Book any of your beauty appointments with Leah's Wax Works easily with our online service. Any store any time!
Appointments, Laser, Facials, Waxing, Threading, Electrolysis, Tinting, Lash perming, Lash Lifting, Tanning, Manicure, Pedicure, Body Contouring, Radio Frequency, Ear Piercing
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Easily book your appointment with our online booking form.


Please read before booking. 

This is not an automatic booking system, please allow up to 24hrs-48hr for a confirmation via email. If you need a booking urgently, please call the stores directly.


For any bookings made after 5.30pm for early morning appointment next day please only call the store directly as we cannot guarantee the time. 

Please ensure you fill out the form completely with your name, phone number, date of appointment, preferred time, store and treatment. 

    Feel free to call stores directly to book an appointment.


    Bondi Junction 0293876834

    Eastgardens 0293155023

    Miranda 0295312832

    Hurstville 0295809873

    Burwood 0297455598

    Mid City Pitt St 0292322506

    Cronulla 0295277555

    Pacific Fair 0755047992